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DEC 2018 / JAN 2019 Editor’s Note from Jen Theisen

My beautiful ladies, today I chose not to listen to yet another chapter of my strategic management audiobook while I chugged along on the treadmill, and yes I did say chug—that’s what today felt like. Instead, I decided I would run while listening to my music on shuffle, no playlist. I know; getting crazy, right? My lovely friends, I am not sure why, but the song that came on caught me completely off guard. I’m so glad no one else was with me, as I was a hot mess that last mile. The tears streamed down my face, and they kept coming. The more I cried, the faster I ran; maybe I invented a new speed workout approach. That last mile was very reflective, so please indulge me as I share a few of the lines and emotions evoked by Supertramp’s “Give a Little Bit” on this bitterly cold day:

Give a little bit
Give a little bit of your love to me
Give a little bit

I’ll give a little bit of my love to you

There’s so much that we need to share
So send a smile and show you care

I’ll give a little bit
I’ll give a little bit of my life for you
So give a little bit
Give a little bit of your time to me
See the man with the lonely eyes
Oh, take his hand, you’ll be surprised…
         (Davies/Hodgson, 1977)

Ladies, the tears came as I thought of all the Chippewa Valley has been through in the past weeks. The tears came as I thought about the families that for the first time will not have their sweet babies with them this Christmas. The tears came because my close friend lost her mama and, as strong as she is, I know how hard the first months are after losing a parent. The tears came as I thought about my beautiful tribe of five; they have all grown and pushed through challenging times in this past year. I am so profoundly proud of the incredible people they are; how they are navigating this wonderfully crazy world inspires me. The tears flowed for all things that I have tried to achieve that didn’t work. The tears came because of all the fantastic gift s that did come to fruition. The tears came because of the love I have for my family and the realization that not everything can be fixed. The tears came because I finally know and believe I am enough just the way I am.

Ladies, this issue comes at the most appropriate time: it is all about renewing and redoing. As we move into this holiday season, I again remind us all to be kind—to others, but to ourselves as well. It does not take time to smile at the lady in line at the grocery store when the lines are grossly long. If you do happen to see the man with the lonely eyes, go ahead and grab his hand. Assume the best in others; assume they are doing the best they can do at that moment.

My amazing mamas, it is so easy to get caught up in all the stuff we have to do. I am the queen of adding to my already-extensive to-do list throughout the day. Today, let’s not worry about forever; all we have to handle is now. We are all being led to our best place—whether or not we are able to acknowledge it yet. We are faced with challenges every day; how we decide to deal with the problems is indeed up to us. Every yes, every no. We are all doing the best we can, and that alone is enough.

I am so excited for what is coming up for 5ive in this new year. I am beyond thankful for my amazing advertisers, contributors, and team. If not for you, this dream of mine would not exist. Please stay tuned for exciting new adventures in 2019.

The journey continues in faith, family, friends, fitness, and finance.

Jen Theisen

Publisher & Editor-in-Chief

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