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December / January 2019 Editor’s Note from Jen Theise

Welcome to December, my beautiful readers! This is the final issue of 2019, so please indulge me as I share my gratitude list with all of you. In the past few months, I have been trying to lean into things I am grateful for; writing them down has allowed me to be more present.

  1. My tribe.  The fantastic 5 will always be the best thing I ever did. I am grateful to watch and learn from them daily. The kids aren’t little anymore. With bigger kids comes more significant problems and simultaneously much to be grateful for. What an honor to be their mama!
  2. Early mornings.  It has been my pleasure to make breakfast and lunch for the boys, while basking in that quiet time and knowing they have a nice meal before they go off for the day. This is a season that will soon be gone. That knowledge has bolstered my gratitude and given an entirely new meaning to feeding my family and creating meals.
  3. Talks with the “Bigs.” I cherish a quick call from Grace as she strolls through Target seven hours away. I love getting calls from Joe as he navigates his career. I treasure the late-night “just wanted to hear your voice” call and then figuring-out-life call. I am lucky, indeed.
  4. Being a football mama. I love every part of watching my boys play football (when my eyes are not covered). It is inspiring to watch their commitment and dedication to coaches, teammates, and themselves. Regis football family, I am forever grateful for your camaraderie.
  5. My  healthy family. It’s December and no one is sick! (Cue “Hallelujah Chorus.”) Although it is not perfect, it is pretty darn good. Of course, my tribe goes through trials and tribulations, but there continue to be an abundance of blessings. Instead of waiting for the next bad thing, I have learned to lean in and enjoy the moments of happiness. If something good happens, it doesn’t mean that something tragic is about to happen at the next turn. (And even if it does, what do I have to lose by savoring today’s blessings?)
  6. New friendship. I have developed a beautiful friendship with a woman who has become an excellent confidant. I have never gotten together with her. Still, we talk most days via text or on the phone, and I truly cherish her and her unique perspective on motherhood and life.
  7. My original crew of mamas. You all know who you are. These women knew my babies almost before I did. These women have been with me from the beginning. They have cried, cheered, and been my fan of all of us all along the way. To get together with this OG crew and giggle until my belly hurts is the cure for most things.
  8. The Real Housewives franchise. I know, I know, but to be able to sit down all by myself and watch the scandal is 60 minutes of complete indulgence. (Don’t judge.)
  9. Coffee.  Honestly, this could probably have been number one.
  10. A clean house. Albeit rare, there is nothing better. Ah…sanity.
  11. My English Lab.  He can destroy a room in minutes. He is, however, a source of pure joy, and when he follows me from room to room, I am reminded of what true devotion is.
  12. My Instapot. If you don’t know, you don’t know.
  13. My run.  My run will forever be my best therapist. The run is my time alone or camaraderie with a group or friend. I am grateful I can still get out there and hit the roads on most days.

I am grateful for so many more things that this list could extend far into the pages of this publication. So let’s close with this, my friends: I am beyond grateful to have been able to share another year with all of you. I promise we have incredible things in store this upcoming year, so hang on. I am thankful also for my fabulous advertisers—for without them, none of this can happen. This issue is full of generosity and gratitude. As we move into this Christmas season, let’s remember to be kind to others and to ourselves. The journey continues in faith, family, friends, fitness, and finance.

Jen Theisen

Publisher & Editor-in-Chief

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