Ladies, spring is in the air! As I prepare for the spring edition of 5ive for Women, I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge our own “Rays of Grace” upcoming graduation. Will you please indulge me as I use this forum as an open letter to my very own amazing Grace?
Dear Grace, I am on two committees helping to get ready for your all-night graduation party. With every meeting
and every discussion, your fast-approaching graduation becomes more of a reality. Your official status as a young adult has me simply blown away. I thought I was going to be so well equipped; I mean let’s be honest, I have been here before. I know the drill. The reality is I am not prepared for this day, and yet here it is.
You are a beautiful young lady, no longer the small child of my memories (as you often remind me). I know you are not a baby anymore. It has absolutely been the time of my life to watch you grow up. I would not change any part of it. I am so looking forward to watching all the marvelous things you will do.
No one is a perfect parent. I know at times, I have failed you; and for that, I am forever sorry. As you get older, you will begin to understand some of my adult struggles. In that, I hope you always know even if I was not perfect, you and your brothers have always been the loves of my life.
There are of course, so many little things I know I had a part in that certainly helped create the fine young woman you are today. I’d like to think some of the crazy adventures, people, and places we have shown you had an impact. I hope when times get tough—and Darling, there will be tough times—your faith will sustain you and pull you through any circumstance life may hand you. I hope we instilled in you the love of God and know that no matter what, He will be there through it all.
I hope you laugh often and cry less. I hope you find the love of your life. I hope you find amazing new friends but keep a few of the old. I hope you never forget where you came from and what hard work really is. You will always need a little black dress, and lipstick does make things better. Ice cream for dinner is okay in moderation. Exercise not because you must, but because you want to. It will make you strong and healthy. Sometimes you do have to fake it ‘til you make it. You only go around once, so make it count. I want you to experience all that life has to offer. I hope you’ll always know I will always be here to lend an ear. I will be a voice of reason and on occasion maybe some wisdom.
Remember no matter what anyone ever says, you are enough just as you are. Surround yourself with people who remind you how wonderful you are, and please avoid the ones that don’t.
This next part scares me, but it is necessary. The world is sometimes hard, and evil people really are out there. You
have been incredibly blessed so far. Always be aware and watch with empathy and compassion.
Go out and grab life. Be passionate in all you do. Go out there and make this world better because you are here. Make people smile but more importantly make yourself smile. I am so extraordinarily proud of who you are and all that you are becoming. So, my sweet Grace, my beautiful “Rays of Grace,” it has been my honor. I love you to
the moon and back.
Ladies, the journey continues in faith, family, friends, fitness, and finance. Embrace and enjoy spring and all that new beginnings have to offer.