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Tag Archives: 2016

Rays of Grace XXXVII: Best Time of my Life

One semester down, seven to go. Wow, that was intense. Definitely not what I expected. Many people have been asking, “How did your first semester go?” They usually have enthusiasm in their voices, almost as if they want to relive a part of their college experience through me for a few seconds. I usually reply with a huge smile, “It went well, I love college!!” But honestly, that is just my “easy” answer. My first semester of college was most definitely one of the hardest times of my life…but also the best learning experience I’ve ever experienced….. Click the magazine …

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Rays of Grace XXXVI: College

Before I left for college, all the world’s well wishers bombarded me with advice. Everyone it seemed, needed to tell me how to succeed in college: “Get lots of sleep.” “Go to church daily.” “Keep your books with you at all times.” All this advice was great and I am thankful for all the love and support I have been given, but nothing really prepared me for the change that occurred. I watched my family walk away, knowing it was going to be awhile before I saw them again. After the first few weeks it all began to sink in: …

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DEC/JAN 2017 Editor’s Note from Jen Theisen

As 2016 draws to a close, I have so much to be grateful for. As the New Year approaches, many of us will plot goals and make plans for the year. Ladies, I’m just trying to get through the week here. Plans for 2017 have not yet begun. Even still, amidst the hurry and the haste, I have experienced grace and focused on gratitude. Sadly, we received some horrific news this fall. My dear cousin and her husband were killed after being struck by a driver in a head-on collision. I am filled with overwhelming grief, but so grateful for …

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5ive for Women: DEC/JAN 2017 | VOL 5 – NO 6

As 2016 draws to a close, I have so much to be grateful for. As the New Year approaches, many of us will plot goals and make plans for the year. Ladies, I’m just trying to get through the week here. Plans for 2017 have not yet begun. Even still, amidst the hurry and the haste, I have experienced grace and focused on gratitude. DOWNLOAD THIS ISSUE BELOW TO READ MORE! [ in this issue] (16) Kindness of Strangers (18) Lessons from My Clan (24) Living Well with Dementia (26) Big Bennies in Forgiving (30) Cupping (32) The Gift of …

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Taking 5ive with Christy Brickner

Christy Brickner has a full plate, with several roles: wife, mother of four, student, activity leader, volunteer, to name a few. Like countless Chippewa Valley women, Christy strives to cultivate equilibrium among her obligations and passions. No matter what, she knows that a balanced diet of the five Fs—faith, family, friends, fitness, and finance—leads to a more enriched life. Click the magazine below to read what Christy has to say about faith, family, friends, fitness, and finance on PAGE 10:

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Rays of Grace XXXI: Looking Back

I’m one month into senior year. It’s weird how fast time goes. A lot of days, I still feel like a freshman; yet, in less than eight months, I will be walking across the stage to receive my diploma. Recently, I have been thinking about how I’m really going to miss my school years. Most of my favorite moments are just the fun conversations with people who at times know me better than I know myself. On top of that, here are a few of my favorite memories . . . Click the magazine below to read the rest of …

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OCT/NOV 2016 Editor’s Note from Jen Theisen

Ready or not, here come the holidays, ladies! My favorite time of the year inevitably gets me thinking: Am I where I want to be? This year, I wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone. I hoped for a new experience to stretch me physically and mentally. Maybe a Tough Mudder® or even a mini triathlon? I even contemplated art classes. Well, the phone rang and I was presented with an opportunity surpassing any challenge I could have ever dreamed up. After some very creative salesmanship, I heard myself agreeing to participate in Dancing with the Eau Claire …

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Chicken Pesto Soup & Apple Crisp

(Soup image credit: Diana Dolzhikova/Shutterstock) Happy fall! This is a great time of year, especially for us Midwesterners. Fall colors, fall temperatures, fall sports, and the harvest are some of my favorites. I really am an Iowa farm girl at heart. This is a perfect time of year for soups for lunch or dinner. My friend Angie gave me this soup recipe. And since we are blessed to live in a great area for apples, I am sharing one of my mother’s Apple Crisp recipes. Please visit our Facebook page to share your favorite fall recipes. Bon Appétit, Lanette Click …

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Quiche + Yogurt Parfaits

August and September mean back to school, both college and high school for our family. There is no better way to start your school day than with a hearty breakfast—especially one that includes local apples. Try these recipes for breakfast in the morning, a brunch get together, or my favorite: breakfast for dinner. Bon Appétit, Lanette Click the magazine below for Lanette Hesse’s recipes for QUICHE AU SAUCISSON and YOGURT PARFAITS on PAGE 40:

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Taking 5ive with Julie Nelson

Julie Nelson is an active wife, mother, and Chippewa Valley business owner. In addition to her role at The Coffee Grounds, Julie has an abundant schedule with family, friends, and outside activities. While she thoroughly enjoys both her personal and professional endeavors, Julie strives to be fully present in whatever she is doing each day. Living in the moment includes faith, family, friends, fitness, and finance. Click the magazine below to read what Julie has to say about faith, family, friends, fitness, and finance on PAGE 10:

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