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Tag Archives: Eau Claire

5ive for Women: OCT/NOV 2016 | VOL 5 – NO 5

Ready or not, here come the holidays, ladies! My favorite time of the year inevitably gets me thinking: Am I where I want to be? This year, I wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone. DOWNLOAD THIS ISSUE BELOW TO READ MORE!   Cover photo credit: Deromi, Lukas Gojda/Shutterstock           [ in this issue] (14) Goblins and Gourds (16) The Story Lady (18) Primo Pooch (20) Scarfapalooza (22) Warming Up for Fall (24) 8 Holiday Fare Food Swaps (26) Holidays & Pets (28) Turning on the Olympic Power (30) Can Tai Chi Really be Easy? (32) Career Development …

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Shrimp/Melon Salsa Salad & Vanilla Flan

Thank you, Eau Claire, for 20 amazing years living and working in the Chippewa Valley. In June 1996, our little family of three set up shop here looking for a Midwest college town to call home. Fast-forward 20 years and here we are with three kids loving all that is local. We have established so many great relationships and are thrilled to call this home. Summer is the time to hit the farmers market and head to our own gardens for Chippewa Valley fresh harvest; then open a bottle of local wine and enjoy some time with friends. Bon Appétit, …

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Taking 5ive with Susan Peterson

Susan Peterson has been a resident of Eau Claire since 2008. She is a focused mother, business professional, advocate for children, and the Director of Junior Achievement of Wisconsin Inc., Northwest District and Coulee Region. From working diligently in her professional role to raising her daughters, Peterson knows continues to discover various ways to implement the five Fs of faith, family, friends, fitness, and finance. Click the magazine below to read what Susan has to say about faith, family, friends, fitness, and finance on PAGE 10:

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Women Rock!

Almost everyone knows a woman that has faced breast cancer. From close relatives to long-lost friends, disease has touched countless people. Sadly, many more are diagnosed daily. In the Chippewa Valley, Women Rock is an annual event offering a forum for addressing breast cancer through donations, shopping, camaraderie, and—most importantly—education. Charter Media (now Spectrum Reach) and Mayo Clinic Health System partnered together in 2003 to create Women Rock in Eau Claire. Click the magazine below to read the rest of Heather Rothbauer Wanish’s article detailing the Women Rock event PAGE 32:

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Thumbs Up for Eau Claire’s Show of Hands

Hands Across Eau Claire—one of the first public art installations in the most recent trend of such installations in Eau Claire—has come to its conclusion after 10 years and more than 100 hands. The Children’s Museum of Eau Claire (CMEC) started the Hands Across Eau Claire project as a way to create awareness about the museum. The hand, which is the symbol of the museum, helped explain what the museum was going to offer to the community. “It is a hands on museum, not a museum of historical preservation,” says Suzie Slota, the Executive Director of CMEC from 2005 to …

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WRITTEN BY GRACE THEISEN He is someone I look up to, who at times is VERY embarrassing, but who loves me and would do anything for me. I’m talking about my amazing dad. As a boy, my dad lost one of the most important people in his life: his mother. Because of this, he understood from a young age the importance of working together as a family. Every day, he teaches my four brothers and me lessons that we will carry with us for the rest of our lives. In high school, Dad was involved in sports; he was the …

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The Kindest Cut

If Shakespeare had been a woman, she would not have written, “To be or not to be, that is the question,” but rather, “To cut or not to cut, that is always the question.” It’s a question compounded by the profusion of hairstyles. Short, medium, and long hair all abound. You can wear it up or down or twisted around in a bun. Today, intentionally tousled and tightly trimmed are both considered professional. So, what’s the best ‘do for you? Before anyone puts steel to your hair, it’s best to have a revealing talk. Denise Mackey-Natz, owner of Urban Style …

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Taking 5ive with Meghan Kulig

WRITTEN BY HEATHER ROTHBAUER-WANISH The past year has been challenging, exciting, and full of changes for Meghan Kulig. With a new baby, a career transition, and a positive outlook on life, Meghan is excited to see what the future holds for her and her family. And, as with many women in the Chippewa Valley, she is busy balancing the five Fs: faith, family, friends, fitness, and finance. Faith After more than eight years as a news anchor and reporter for WEAU 13 News in Eau Claire, Meghan now works for Regis Catholic Schools as the Communications Director. She describes, “Because …

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01: Collections

Decorating comes easy for some, while others struggle with the basics of furniture placement and color choices. Then there are those of us who just do. I have no formal training—aside from a middle school Home Economics project where we created our dream house complete with carpet samples and a room-by-room floor layout. I loved that project! I would pore over my parents’ copies of Good Housekeeping and even the Sears catalog for inspiration and furniture photos to cut out for my “dream house.” It would be fun to see that project now; all I remember is a canopy bed …

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Gathering What Remains

Maintaining Hopeful Holidays for Dementia Patients and Their Caregivers The holidays are poignant because of our gatherings. Families gather and, in turn, memories are gathered. Stories are told—stories of when we were younger, braver or more cautious, impetuous or reserved. Such stories stir our emotions and tickle our funny bones; but for some families, there are beloved brothers and mothers, sisters and spouses unstirred by such stories, due to Alzheimer’s and related dementias. What are holiday gatherings like in such families? How do caregivers cope? Perhaps, most importantly, how can we best care for those afflicted and their caregivers? Lisa …

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