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Tag Archives: Grace Theisen


WRITTEN BY GRACE THEISEN He is someone I look up to, who at times is VERY embarrassing, but who loves me and would do anything for me. I’m talking about my amazing dad. As a boy, my dad lost one of the most important people in his life: his mother. Because of this, he understood from a young age the importance of working together as a family. Every day, he teaches my four brothers and me lessons that we will carry with us for the rest of our lives. In high school, Dad was involved in sports; he was the …

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Regarding Mom: XXII

WRITTEN BY GRACE THEISEN Since Mother’s Day is right around the corner, I have been thinking about how much I appreciate my mom. I want to take the time to thank her and do some bragging about her. I come from a large family; I have four brothers and two dogs. Admittedly, we can be a lot to handle. Let me just say that things get a little crazy around our house. There is always a kid who is supposed to be somewhere, or a school project to work on, or a dog running away, and somebody under the mistaken …

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Life Lessons: XXI

WRITTEN BY GRACE THEISEN I love winter. I love winter activities like skiing and snowshoeing. I love going to the cabin, cuddling up under a blanket next to a fire and reading a good book. But even winter can be a hectic time of year. Recently, my life has been hectic. I have had a hard time keeping balanced—my faith, family, friends, school, and boyfriend (“Hi, Logan”)—and still having time for myself. In the cold of winter, wrapped up in a blanket, I took the time to write myself a few life lessons about loving myself: 1. Don’t get caught …

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A Lasting Holiday Season: XX

WRITTEN BY GRACE THEISEN The holiday season is my favorite time of year. And I have a special way of enjoying the holidays all year long. All you need to do is make a batch of shrimp bisque. Allow me to explain. My mom is a great cook. Soups are among her specialties. She makes a tasty leek soup. Everyone loves her potato chowder. And thanks to one of her best friends, she has a special recipe for shrimp bisque. Put simply, the bisque is to die for. So, when we go to my grandpa’s house for Christmas Eve, my …

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Patiently Waiting: XIX

WRITTEN BY GRACE THEISEN “Patience is a virtue.” “Good things come to those who wait.” These are a couple of mottoes that have been repeated quite a bit by my family lately. Several months ago—and it was several months—I told you that my family had just bought a new house that had been built in 1861. (“New” is kind of a funny word to describe a 150-year-old house, but the house was new to my family at least. Pretty much everything else about the house was old: old paint, old floors, old plumbing, old electrical wires, old heating system. There was …

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Family Trip: XVI

WRITTEN BY GRACE THEISEN It’s spring break travel time! Sadly, the Theisens are stuck at home this year. However, we still recall some memorable past road trips. There is nothing like piling seven family members into one car! Last year, we drove to Alabama—think 22 driving hours with my four brothers. The trip started out pretty well. We played car games like “How long until the next big city?” and “When will the snow cover end?” Most importantly, we didn’t argue much. Oddly, as we drove farther south, the conditions worsened—heavy snowfall and very icy roads. By Springfield, Illinois, we …

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Community Family Vacation: XVIII

WRITTEN BY GRACE THEISEN Every summer, my family vacations at Tiger Musky Resort near Hayward. We meet up with our extended family and long-time friends. We boat, fish, and swim; and we do our best to stay off of our electronic devices. Although we do not gather on a holiday, the get-together feels like a holiday gathering.   Sometimes it gets a bit crazy. We assemble in the main lodge for karaoke. No offense, but some people in my family should not sing with a karaoke mic. (Um, Dad!) Then there is this challenge event involving the consumption of a …

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This Old House: XV

WRITTEN BY GRACE THEISEN Well, we moved recently. And I’ll have to admit, I’ve been a little bit spoiled in my life by modern conveniences. The house that I grew up in until now was built in 2005. Our old house was always warm in the winter and cool in the summer. The windows that went up and down. And the lights turned on when you flipped the switch. Let’s just say, that our “new” house isn’t exactly “new.” Our new house was actually built in the 1800’s. (That’s even older than my dad.) I don’t think they had furnaces …

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Holiday Season Survival: XIV

WRITTEN BY GRACE THEISEN The holiday season can be hectic. It is not like school and life stop during the holidays. I have homework, presentations, meetings and my personal favorite, tests. (By the way, who thought that the holiday season would be a good time to have a test?) These things are in addition to family gatherings, Christmas concerts and parties and finding time to drink hot chocolate and go look at the lights. With all this craziness, how am I supposed to find any time to go shopping? Life is busy. And sometimes I just have to tell myself to take a step back and live in the moment. I …

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