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Tag Archives: Jen Theisen

OCT/NOV Editor’s Note by Jen Theisen

A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and only herself. Maya Angelou Ladies, here we go. Ready or not, October is here, and November is right around the corner. I am so excited to share our Healing and Harmony issue with our readers. Creating this magazine has given me the gift of getting to know the women of the Chippewa Valley. I am inspired by their character and in awe of these courageous women who are willing to share …

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AUG/SEP Editor’s Note by Jen Theisen

As summer winds down, it’s tempting to get a little melancholy. Yet, I smile as I think of all the adventures, big and small, we crossed off our summer bucket list. The Northern Wisconsin State Fair was a much-anticipated tradition. I can almost still taste those famous Wisconsin cheese curds. It’s probably a good thing the Fair comes to town only once a year! We celebrated birthdays, beach days, and beautiful days on Lake Wissota. Catching a flick at the Gemini Drive-In Theater was a nostalgic treat. Our annual week in the Wisconsin Northwoods on the Chippewa Flowage is always …

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JUN/JUL Editor’s Note by Jen Theisen

As I write this, “Summertime and the livin’ is easy” plays in my head. I love summer! The Theisen household welcomes the sweet, slowed-down pace of summer with arms wide open. June is for graduations and weddings, and we get to celebrate both. Our eldest, Joe, graduated from college—we are beaming with pride and it’s a joy to watch him go! We’re also ecstatic to see our sister move into a new and exciting season as she marries her best friend. It may be summer, but the livin’ isn’t always easy for everyone. Yet, Angela Meyer would never let you …

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APR/MAY Editor’s Note by Jen Theisen

This issue is dedicated to my amazing, strong, beautiful mom. If not for her, I would not be the woman I am today. There were not many days Mom got to relax and take time for herself, so cheers to you Mom along with all the other mothers out there! Happy Mother’s Day and happy spring. Wow! Spring has sprung. There is so much to be excited about as we move into this new season. Only in Wisconsin can you find kids walking around in shorts in 45-degree weather. We’re pulling out our grills, hitting the trails like ants coming …

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FEB/MAR 2015 Editor’s Note by Jen Theisen

In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years. Ladies, welcome to February—the perfect month to roll out the Love Your Life issue! We’re delighted to feature articles showcasing ladies embracing life. It is our hope that this issue will offer a new perspective to help you love your life through any season. No matter the length of the to-do list, the seemingly never-ending responsibilities, and the crazy schedules we all face—it is possible to love your life now! It is possible to thrive, even when life feels like an impossible, …

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DEC/JAN 2015 Editor’s Note by Jen Theisen

Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties. Helen Keller Whew! We made it to December, and I am not wearing a stocking cap to bed this year. The Sorels, however, have been well worn already this season. Wisconsin women know how to remain fashion-forward even in bulky boots and big parkas. I am so excited to share our article on how we women can keep cozy and cute in the frozen tundra. As our adventure in chaos draws to a close, my family and …

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OCT/NOV 2014 Editor’s Note by Jen Theisen

You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’ You must do the thing you think you cannot do. Eleanor Roosevelt Fall is here! Only yesterday it was a sunny 80 degrees. Today, I sit with a fresh cup of coffee as the wind whips and temperatures plunge. The chill in the air reminds me just how quickly seasons can change, in nature and life. Often, the change …

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AUG/SEPT 2014 Editor’s Note by Jen Theisen

I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.  – Mother Teresa What the heck happened to summer? I am not sure how you ladies feel, but it seems like we got cheated. I am not ready to let go. Snow days causing a late summer start and then the polar vortex of July nearly pushed me over the edge. The Theisen crew has been running fast and furious to get in our summer activities. Shocking, I know. Memories will be made regardless, so we’re making the best of it. …

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JUNE/JULY Editor’s Note By Jen Theisen

This is a bold statement this year in Northern Wisconsin, but I think it is finally summer! I am thrilled we made it through the fast and furious of May and even more thrilled to turn the calendar to June. Some of our readers have commented the final month of school gets busier than the holidays and I concur. We made it to June, ladies. Cheers! I’m looking forward to slowing it down a bit and enjoying a beautiful Wisconsin summer. Lofty goals await the Theisens this summer. We look forward to seeing the completion of our renovation and moving back into our new, old home. A heartfelt thank you …

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APRIL/MAY Editor’s Note By Jen Theisen

Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible. – Saint Francis of Assisi Hello spring! I think we all can agree it has been a brutal Wisconsin winter. Not only am I thrilled at the idea of being able to go outside, but I look forward to cherished early morning runs without risk of hypothermia. Spring fever is in full swing. I’m sure you’ll be shocked to learn that there is, yet again, a lot going on in the Theisen household. The blessing of five kids greatly increases the likelihood that, at …

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