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Tag Archives: Jen Theisen

FEB/MARCH 2014 Editor’s Note By Jen Theisen

As I write, I am bundled and enjoying the peace of the newly instituted quiet hour at the Theisen house. As temps have plummeted to negative 45 with wind chill, all five of the kids are under our new roof. Joe is taking a J-term course and needs a quiet place. The house has plenty of space with nooks and crannies, and when the construction is done, I may be hard-pressed to even find the kids. It’s likely that quiet hour could be lifted. But for now, our scarce outlets and meager 60 watts of electricity have driven the Theisen …

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NOV/DEC/JAN 2014 Editor’s Note by Jen Theisen

I am so excited to share this holiday issue, “Being in the Present Moment.” With so much activity through Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year, we’re changing up our schedule. Look for our regular scheduling and next edition this February. This change will better accommodate our contributors and advertisers, as well as facilitate our own living in the present moment efforts. Every woman knows, November is the official kick off of the blessed but busiest time of the year. This year, I challenge myself and my readers to remain present through the hectic holiday hustle and bustle. I purpose to reject the …

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