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Taking 5ive with Meghan Kulig


The past year has been challenging, exciting, and full of changes for Meghan Kulig. With a new baby, a career transition, and a positive outlook on life, Meghan is excited to see what the future holds for her and her family. And, as with many women in the Chippewa Valley, she is busy balancing the five Fs: faith, family, friends, fitness, and finance.


After more than eight years as a news anchor and reporter for WEAU 13 News in Eau Claire, Meghan now works for Regis Catholic Schools as the Communications Director. She describes, “Because of my work in a Catholic school system, faith intersects with my career each day. We begin our meetings with prayer and incorporate God into everything we do—I love it.”

In June 2014, Meghan and her husband, Charles, welcomed their first child, Henry. Having Henry has fortified Meghan’s already-strong commitment to live a good life and do the right thing. “Just recently, my husband and I have started to integrate faith back into our lives. We feel that it is even more important since we are raising a child,” tells Meghan.


Meghan and her younger sister grew up on a small farm in Trempealeau County. Meghan and Charles met at Independence High School, and they married while Charles was serving in the U.S. Marine Corps.

Meghan values family: “Because my parents still live in the area, I’m lucky to be able to see them on a regular basis. Even if it is only for a quick lunch, I get together with them as often as I can.” Charles and Meghan love spending time outdoors, including canoeing and fishing whenever possible during the summer months. “More often than not, we spend time together as a family at home, cooking a meal or just watching television. We truly love our quiet evenings at home.”

And Meghan always looks forward to traveling, “In addition to traveling with Charles, I have also taken many vacations with my parents and sister. Some of my favorite trips have been aboard the Disney Cruise Line.” A big Disney fan, Meghan even worked at Walt Disney World during a semester in college.


Meghan does her best to schedule time with friends, including the occasional reconnection over lunch. “Even though several weeks may go by without seeing my friends, we are always quick to reconnect,” she says. And through her years as a news anchor, Meghan met many community members who have become her friends. “I’ve made a lot of personal connections and still take the time to chat with those people whenever I see them.”

In addition, Meghan serves on the Board of Directors for Bob’s House for Dogs, a local non-profit organization close to her heart. She adds, “I’m blessed to have met some wonderful friends through that experience, too.”


Like many women, Meghan is challenged to find time for fitness. Instead of carving out specific “fitness time,” Meghan concentrates on living an overall healthy lifestyle, “I’m a very active person, especially during the summer months. It is easy to get out for a walk or spend an afternoon paddling … I just do what I can—even if it is a 15-minute walk.”


As Communications Director, Meghan is responsible for maintaining a balanced budget for Regis’s advertising, public relations, printing, etc. “Finances and budgeting are an important part of my job, and I like the challenge of doing as much as I can with that money,” she explains.

Like most couples, Meghan and Charles discuss their future and what it will take to reach their financial goals. Because they both are hard-working people and aren’t afraid to go after what they want, Meghan is confident they will be able to meet those goals in the coming years. Meghan’s advice: “I would also encourage people to fully review and ask questions about their health insurance and retirement plans—I’m always shocked at how many people don’t understand those things.”

Overall, Meghan couldn’t be happier with her current life, actually taking pleasure in the multitasking it requires, “I really enjoy being an on-the-go person and, even when I don’t think I will, I manage to get everything done and balance the important things in my life.” She also recommends taking everything one day at a time, “Take time each day to remember your blessings. It is so easy to get caught up in the craziness of meeting deadlines and juggling multiple responsibilities. It is essential to remember what’s really important in life.”

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